Emacs and X Clipboard

why do the umlauts look so funny that you copied from mozilla or so and try to paste into emacs? e.g. ^[%/1\200\214iso8859-15^Bö instead of plain ö.

Well, I don't have the answer yet -- why this happens, but figured out that this can be changed by changing the coding system for X-selections:

C-x C-m X RET compound-text-with-extensions RET


C-x RET x RET compound-text-with-extensions RET

The key combinations C-c C-m and C-c RET are equivalent.

The capital X just changes the Coding system for the next X selection. For a general change (in the current session) use x instead of X, as in the second example.

And how do I change this as an option in the .emacs file, once and forever?