Emacs Lisp

Some notes about Lisp

syntax difficulties

(...)(expressions) or (lists) live in parentheses
'symbolwhat is a symbol? It's just an object with a name.
variablevariables are not surrounded by anything
?Crepresents character C
?\\escape sequence for backslash \
"string"strings are enclosed in double-quotes
(a . b)a cons cell with CAR=a and CDR=b (see manual)
((a . v1) (b . v2))association list ("alist"); a, b are the keys and v* the values
[el1 el2 el3]a vector of three elements el1, el2, el3 (always one-dimensional)


To compare a variable with a string, use something like this:

(string= window-system "x") 
(string= window-system nil)