Emacs Wiki Mode

Source and (some) documentation


key combinations

key               | binding
ESC               | Prefix Command
M-tab             | pcomplete
S-TAB             | emacs-wiki-previous-reference
S-iso-lefttab     | emacs-wiki-previous-reference
TAB               | emacs-wiki-next-reference
C-c               | Prefix Command
ESC TAB           | pcomplete
ESC S             | center-paragraph
ESC s             | center-line
C-c =             | diff to backup copy
C-c C-l           | font-lock-mode
C-c C-v           | emacs-wiki-change-project
C-c C-p           | emacs-wiki-publish
C-c C-s           | emacs-wiki-search
C-c C-b           | emacs-wiki-backlink
C-c C-f           | emacs-wiki-find-file
C-c C-a           | emacs-wiki-index

Customization for projects in .emacs

(setq emacs-wiki-projects 
  `(("linux" . ((emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/docs/mydocs/wiki-linuxnotes")) 
     (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/public_html/linuxnotes/")))
    ("sap" . ((emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/docs/mydocs/wiki-sap/"))
     (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/public_html/sap/") 
     (emacs-wiki-maintainer . "mailto:voppmann@voppix.net")))
    ("topix" . ((emacs-wiki-directories . ("~/docs/mydocs/wiki-other/")) 
     (emacs-wiki-publishing-directory . "~/public_html/other/wiki/")))))

Note that emacs-wiki-publishing-directory is a single variable (and, therefor, the value does not get included in extra parentheses), while emacs-wiki-directories is a list (–why?–) and must be surrounded by parentheses.

To be continued

-- other variables that can usefully be set here...

This is a mode of Emacs